Regions and their Capitals in Ghana

Within the Republic of Ghana, the regions of Ghana make up the first tier of subnational government administration. There are currently sixteen regions, which are further divided into 216 local districts for administrative purposes. When the Upper West Region was launched as the state’s newest administrative region in 1987, the prior 10 regional boundaries were formally created. The Upper West Region was officially established in 1987, but it had been operating as an administrative division since the Upper Region was split up in December 1982, before the national census in 1984. On December 27, 2018, a vote was held about the creation of six new regions, and all of the proposals were accepted.

boy doing chores

1. Oti Region

One of Ghana’s six newly established regions in December 2018 is the Oti Region. The region was established out of the northern section of the Volta Region and will be in fulfillment of a campaign pledge made by New Patriot Party(NPP) . This region is well known for its beautiful tourist attractions such as the Kyabobo National Park.

Volta region

2. Volta Region

Ho has been chosen as the capital of the Volta Region, one of Ghana’s sixteen administrative regions. It is situated to the east of Lake Volta and west of the Republic of Togo. This region is well known for Mount Afadjato which has attracted a lot of tourists around the world.

Ashanti king

3. Ashanti Region

The Ashanti Region is located in a broad area of tropical rainforest, which is distinguished by large cocoa farms, spectacular forests, and charming communities. Ashanti Region has one (1) Metropolitan , Six (6) Municipal and twenty (20) District Assemblies. It is the second most populated region in Ghana with Greater Accra being the first. The region can boast of the Lake Bosomtwe as a tourist attraction.

Black star square

4. Greater Accra Region

Accra is the capital city Greater Accra Region which is the capital city of Ghana. Due its rural-urban drift, Accra contributes greatly to Ghana’s GDP.


5. Western Region

South Ghana’s Western Region contains the capital and largest twin cities of Sekondi-Takoradi on the coast, coastal Axim, and a steep inland territory including Elubo. It stretches from the Ivory Coast (Comoé District) in the west to the Central region in the east. It includes Cape Three Points, Ghana’s southernmost point, where commercial quantities of crude oil were discovered in June 2007. The region has a 13,842 sq. km. size, and the 2021 Census found 2,060,585 people living there.

6. Savannah Region

Due to its proximity to the Sahel and the Sahara, the Savannah Region of Ghana is more drier than other southern parts of the country. The major kind of vegetation is grassland, particularly savanna with groups of drought-tolerant trees like baobabs or acacias. The dry season lasts from December to April. It can boast of many tourist attractions such as the Baobab tree, popularly known as the tree of life.

Kakum National Park

7. Eastern Region

One of Ghana’s sixteen administrative areas, the Eastern Region is situated in the southern part of the country. The Eastern Region is surrounded by the Lake Volta to the east, Bono East and Ashanti to the north, Ashanti to the west, Central and Greater Accra to the south. The majority of people that live there are Akans, who speak Akan, Ewe, Krobo, Hausa, and English as their primary languages of communication. Koforidua serves as the Eastern Region’s capital. The Akosombo Dam is located in the Eastern area, and high-capacity electricity generation dominates the region’s economy.


8. Central Region

Also one of the sixteen regions in Ghana, the Central Region is well known for its rich culture and coastal lines. The Cape Coast Castle is located in this region and has a lot of history on Transatlantic slave trade

Coastal area

9. Western North Region

One of Ghana’s six newly constituted regions in 2019 is the Western North Region. Western and Western North were created by dividing the Western Region in two. The Western North Region of Ghana contains the most rainfall, the greenest hills, and the richest soils. Both local and large-scale gold mining operations are present in the area.

Traditional food

10. Bono Region

Also one of the sixteen regions in Ghana, the Central Region is well known for its rich culture and coastal lines. The Cape Coast Castle is located in this region and has a lot of history on Transatlantic slave trade

Forest with elephant in Northern Region

11. Northern Region

It is a Guinea Savanna grassland in the Northern Region. The major kind of vegetation is grassland, particularly savanna with groups of drought-tolerant trees like baobabs or acacias. In total, there are 14 districts in the Northern Region. Tamale serves as the region’s capital.


12. Ahafo Region

Rich natural resources including gold, diamonds, timber, etc. are abundant in Ahafo. The Mim, Ahafo, Kenyasi, and Yamfo Areas are incredibly rich in gold deposits. One of the largest mining firms in the world, Newmont Gold Ghana Limited, now conducts mining activities in the Kenyasi and Yamfo Areas.

Cocoa pods

13. Bono East Region

The Bono East region is located in Ghana’s vegetative belt, where the climate is constantly favorable. With regard to vegetation, forests and rich soils predominate. The dry season lasts from December to April. The rainy season can occasionally last from around July to November, with 750 to 1050 mm of yearly rainfall as the average (30 to 40 inches).

Kintampo falls

14. North East Region

One of Ghana’s sixteen regions is the North East Region. It is situated in the north of the nation and was established in December 2018 following a vote to separate it from the Northern region. The Upper East region borders the North East region on the north, the Northern region on the south, the Upper West area on the west, and the eastern Ghana-Togo international border on the east. Six districts make up the North East region.

Mole national park

15. Upper East Region

The Upper East Region is the third-smallest of Ghana’s 16 administrative regions and is situated in the country’s north. 8,842 square kilometers, or 2.7% of Ghana’s total land area, make up the total land surface. It;s capital is Bolgatanga. The Paga pong is one well-known tourist site in the region.

Traditional homes in Upper West Region

16. Upper West Region

The Upper West Region of Ghana is situated in the northwest of the country and is surrounded by Burkina Faso to the west and north, the Upper East Region to the east, and the Northern Region to the south. Wa is the largest settlement and the regional center in the Upper West.