A job vacancy announcement reportedly from the World Health Organization (WHO) on COVID-19 has been circulating on WhatsApp platforms. The message, which is being shared with a link, indicates that the WHO is recruiting human resource for SMS sending on COVID-19. Working hours for the job is two to three hours daily on mobile phones with a daily payment of between $5 and $100.

Facts-checkghana.com verified the information and can confirm the the message is false. After logging into the link, which has no logo of WHO, applicants are requested to fill in their names, experience and are then requested to share on WhatsApp for verification. Moreover, the link does not lead applicants to the WHO website.
Meanwhile WHO’s employment site is named ‘Careers at WHO’, where applicants are given the opportunity to log in when there is a vacancy with all appropriate documents for recruitments. It does not request an applicant to share on WhatsApp for verification.
Also, Fact-checkGhana sent an enquiry to the WHO ‘For employment questions’ to confirm the authenticity of the message. WHO’s response was negative which further affirms that the WHO is not recruiting SMS senders for the fight against COVID-19.
Supported by STAR Ghana Foundation with funding from UKAID and the European Union